
I decided that it is really hard to keep up with life, quilting and two blogs so I’ve been blogging at my other blog……… mountainhomequilts.blogspot.com if you’d like to check it out! 🙂


I love Moda fabric. LOVE IT! I just found this new on-line quilt shop that carries the new stuff plus some hard to find older stuff at a GREAT price and I just felt the need to share it here. Ya know, just in case anyone else is as crazy as me about fabric at a good price! 🙂
Here’s the link: http://www.thethriftyneedle.com/

Today was the second time I had placed an order through them. My first order came quickly and I loved the fabric! Yahoo for quality fabric at an awesome price!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org

I just realized that I hadn’t and needed to share something very important!! (I copied the following from my mysapce blog.)

I am seriously addicted to Etsy! (And you should be too!) Not only do I love it for selling the things I make in my home but I just love to look at and occasionally buy  stuff that other people make in their home or studio!!

Really, how cool is that? Not that I have anything against the whole “Made in China/Japan/India” etc. thing, I just think it’s so neat that real people take their real talents and use it to create the coolest stuff! From soaps to pottery, jewelry to nick-nacks, quilts to cards, clothing………..the list goes on an on! What a great place to buy for yourself, your children, your family and your friends!!

If you haven’t chekced out Etsy before, please do! I think that you’ll enjoy browsing through all of the neat things for sale there!

So go…..NOW…..check it out!! Esty.com!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My amazing husband said to me last night, “Why don’t we eat an early dinner and then afterwards, I’ll watch the kids and allow you to sew for a few hours?”

Yep, that’s just one of the many great reasons I married that man!

I was able to get my backing together for my upcoming English Country Garden Hankie Quilt and also sewed for a bit on my Strawberry Delight Quilt. I’m still trying to figure out a border for the strawberry quilt. It’s going to take some serious thought, over a few days. Usually I don’t have issues with picking out fabrics but for some reason this one has stumped me. I’m always trying, as other quilters do, to figure out what works best with the blocks of the quilt. I’ve added a little sample picture of a portion of the quilt above. Don’t forget to check out the completed quilt in my Etsy shop by the end of this month! I’m off to figure out a border!

So here it is, 10:19pm and I am up working on quilts……

This is what my “studio”, a.k.a. my kitchen table, looks like. When you live in a 900sq foot home with 5 people, the bathroom could end up being your studio!

I really should be sleeping. There is no doubt that my 3mo old will soon be waking up to nurse and there’s a chance that my 1.5 year old will be fussing in the night due to teething. That pretty much adds up to no sleep for me but I feel the need to quilt! I don’t get time to do it in the day so my only option is to burn the midnight oil (well, the 10pm oil anyway) and try to get some sewing done. I’ll be regretting it in the morning but I never was one to really worry too much about tomorrow.

Happy Quilting!


Here I am blogging….finally. Should be a fun time. Please join me in my sewing/mommy adventures and check back here on a regular basis to see what’s new! You can check out my quilt shop here.

I’ll give a short little summary of me so that we can get to know eachother better:

Me = Heather

Heather= Wife and Mother

Wife and Mother = Married to an amazing man and a SAHM to 3 kids ages, 10, 1.5 and  3 months!

3 kids = little time for quilting

Quilting =  something I absolutely LOVE to do!

But……… I love my kids too so I have to work it all in!